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Les folies de Coco...
29 septembre 2013

A card for Stampotique challenge SDC118

A card for Stampotique challenge SDC118
Good evening all !! Bonsoir à tous et toutes !! Over at the Stampotique Designer Challenge Blog this week, Astrid is asking us to use washi tape. Thank you Astrid I love your challenge.... Indeed I have a HUGE stock of really nice washi tapes sleeping...
25 septembre 2013

Stampotique SDC117 / Cap de scrapper cette carte ???

Stampotique SDC117 / Cap de scrapper cette carte ???
Hello !! Coucou !! At first a big thank you for all your messages of good luck for my application to the Stampotique DT Call ! Today it is a quick post to show you more in details my large humouristic card I've used to apply the call together with a banner...
20 septembre 2013

Stampotique Design Team Call / Appel DT Stampotique !

Stampotique Design Team Call / Appel DT Stampotique !
As announced in the title, Stampotique has a Design Team call for 2014. The company is looking for people who love stampotique stamps, and would inspire other people to use them in their artworks. They plan to set up two design teams, one for the challenges...
19 septembre 2013

A layout "Tiger of Butterfly ?" / Une page "Tigre ou Papillon ?"

A layout "Tiger of Butterfly ?" / Une page "Tigre ou Papillon ?"
Hi all ! Today on Tando's blog, that's a 'Free For All' week. A good way to showcase what we have done with our Tando stash that is not specific to any themed week ! I chose to share with you a second page I made as guest DT for capdescrapperça , the...
14 septembre 2013

Family week - A layout for Tando and CapDeScrapperça ! / Une page "Famille" pour Tando et CapDeScrapperça !

Family week - A layout for Tando and CapDeScrapperça ! / Une page "Famille" pour Tando et CapDeScrapperça !
Bonjour ! Tout d'abord un grand merci pour vos avis et mots sur mes deux boites en métal et le cadre que j'ai fait pour le challenge "Feuilles" de ce mois sur le blog de challenges Tando Creative, ça fait vraiment plaisir vous vous en doutez. Je vous...
11 septembre 2013

An autumn frame and its tutorial ! / Un tableau d'automne et son tutoriel !

An autumn frame and its tutorial ! / Un tableau d'automne et son tutoriel !
Hellooooo!!!! I was off my blog these last days sorry, very busy to craft however !... I will have several things to show you in the days and weeks to come, but every thing in its time. I hope you are going well all, and that the day back to school for...
1 septembre 2013

A tin push buttons box/Une boite à boutons décorée - Buttons week on Tando's blog

A tin push buttons box/Une boite à boutons décorée - Buttons week on Tando's blog
Helloooo, at first I wish thank everyone for all your messages on my box with my little angel. i know that a bit of courage is likely required to watch and then, to comment ! You're lovely ladies all who took time to read and see my last post... Well,...
Les folies de Coco...
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